Subclass 820
Temporary Visa

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The Subclass 820 Visa is a key pathway for partners of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens to reside in Australia temporarily. This visa allows partners to live, work, and study in Australia while their permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801) is processed.

Subclass 820 Visa Eligibility

The process involves submitting detailed documentation to the Australian immigration authorities, including evidence of the relationship, identity documents, and character checks. It’s recommended to seek professional guidance to ensure a smooth application process.

Why Choose Hansen Migration?

Our team of experienced Registered Migration Agents can provide personalised assistance, ensuring your application meets all the requirements and increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

Here's How Hansen Migration Can Help

Hansen Migration specialises in Subclass 820 Visa applications, providing comprehensive support from eligibility assessment to document preparation, ensuring adherence to Australian immigration policies and improving approval prospects.

What is a Subclass 820 visa?

The Subclass 820 Visa is a temporary partner visa in Australia for those in a relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. It allows the partner to reside in Australia while their permanent Partner Visa (Subclass 801) is processed. Recognising both married and de facto relationships, including same-sex couples, this visa grants the holder the right to work, study, and access certain social services in Australia. It represents a significant step towards permanent residency, highlighting Australia’s commitment to supporting partners and families.


Subclass 820 Temporary Visa


Subclass 801 Permanent Visa


Subclass 309 Temporary Visa


Subclass 100 Permanent Visa

Who is eligible for a Subclass 820 visa?

Eligibility for a Subclass 820 Visa includes partners of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens, being in a genuine and ongoing relationship, and meeting health and character requirements.

Applicants must be in Australia and prove a genuine, ongoing partnership that meets visa guidelines.

Look forward to a Secure Future in Australia with your Family.

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